Object Lists

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Object Lists

Cam List of cameras. New supported.

ColorPref List of color preferences.

Curve List of 2-D Curve objects in the scene. New


Extra List of “extra” points. New supported.

Flex List of 3-D Flex objects in the scene. New


FolderPref List of folder preferences.

Lite List of lights. New supported.

Mesh List of mesh objects (boxes, waving man, imports). New meshes added here.

Note List of notes. New supported.

Obj List of cameras and moving objects. Use new


Output Object containing output-specific attributes

Phase List of all solver phases. Use Scene.NewPhase(kind)

Pref List of preferences items.

Scene Object containing scene-specific attributes

Shot List of shots

Trk List of all trackers, solved or not. Use new


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